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Book Club

Our friendly Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the Library at 3.30pm. We welcome anyone who enjoys reading and likes
talking about books. We don't do 'lit crit' but we discuss why we like/didn't like the book choice. We exchange tips on recent reads that we think others might enjoy, and then wander on to a wide range of subjects. You don't have to buy the books – we take turns to choose a book from a Cambridgeshire Libraries multi-copy list. If you are interested in joining us, send a request to Sally via or give your contact details to a Library Volunteer.


Upcoming reads:

April: "Disgrace" by J.M. Coetzee

Balancing Act by Joanna Trollope


We've just discussed ‘Balancing Act’ by Joanna Trollope, a 2014 novel exploring the challenges of running a family business.


Due to a slight clerical error and several brains of a certain age, we didn't realise that we had already read this book a couple of years ago!


Most of the group members who were around then decided, for one reason or another, not to read it again. Linda was stuck on a flight with it, so re-read it and still gave it a thumbs down for being 'almost boring' with characters it was impossible to empathise with. In total contrast, Rosemary - who was not looking forward to a second reading - found herself drawn into the story and felt that the characters were well defined and the family dynamics believable.


Those coming fresh to the book could only echo what was said last time... it’s not terribly good, but it’s an easy read albeit with weak characters. Pam said 'by chapter 10 the characters still didn't have faces' and our other Rosemary could only apologise for choosing this damp squib of a book.


Several of the group had read other novels by Joanna Trollope and the general feeling was that everyone is allowed one dud and this is hers.


We gave ‘Balancing Act’ 6 thumbs down and 1 thumb up.


Next month we'll be discussing ‘The Beekeeper of Aleppo’ by Christy Lefteri. Written in 2019 it deals with the plight of refugees from Syria to Europe during the Syrian Civil War.


Do consider joining us. We offer a warm welcome, don’t expect academic “lit crit” and always have a lot of laughs.